Shareholders registration for corporate actions without payment
General meeting – that can be:
- Annual ordinary general meeting, or
- Extraordinary general meeting
Within these categories:
- general meeting with blocking,
- general meeting without blocking.
For general meetings the issuer is obliged to indicate in its request of shareholders registration whether simultaneously with shareholders registration the shares of holders intending to participate at the general meeting are to be blocked or not (in line with prevailing regulatory and bylaws requirements). If the issuer instructs to block equities, on the settlement date after the due date of the shareholders registration KELER blocks the quantity of equities only for which the client indicated intention to participate in the corporate action and submitted a blocking instruction.
Shareholder register update:
Event without blocking.
Individual entry to the shareholders register requested by the client:
The client can request that equities it holds are registered in the shareholders register.
Retrospective shareholders registration:
For dematerialized equities KELER can complete retrospective shareholders registration based on the resolution of the Supervisory Authority or written order of the issuer.
More informationIssuer Department, e-mail: